Kids Klub Safari Film – Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th May

April 27, 2015
As a link to our 'Animals' Topic, Kids Klub will be bringing a mobile film set into nursery on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th May. They will produce a film of your child enjoying a Safari Adventure. The film will be...

Cake Sale for Cancer Research UK – Thursday 30th April

April 27, 2015
One of our staff members Emily Waters will be holding a Cake Sale in nursery on Thursday 30th April in aid of Cancer Research UK. Emily has taken part in many running events to raise money for Cancer Research UK (as...

Nursery Group and Individual Photographs – Wednesday 29th April

April 27, 2015
Our Group Photograph for ALL nursery children will take place on Wednesday 29th April at 9:30am. All children to wear their nursery uniform please including jumpers. If you attend Wednesday morning sessions please arrive at the normal time of 9:05am. Morning/afternoon children...

Nursery Closure for Christmas Nativity Concert – 10th and 11th December

December 9, 2014
The dress rehearsal for the Christmas Nativity Concert is on Wednesday 10th December at 10.15am. The Christmas Nativity Concert is being performed on Thursday 11th December at 10.15am. Both performances will be filmed and DVDs will be available to purchase at a later...

Annual General Meeting – 12th November 2014

November 9, 2014
Our Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) will be held in the Nursery Small Room at 7.30pm on 12th November 2014. Please join us to enjoy… - A Friendly Welcome and Refreshments - Chairpersons Annual Report - Treasurers Annual Report and Audited Accounts - Approval of the...

Healthy Eating Meeting – Wednesday 15th October

October 14, 2014
A Specialist Health Promotion Dietician for Children, Schools and Families will be visiting the nursery on Wednesday 15th October, to give a 30 minute talk at the end of both the morning and afternoon sessions. During the meeting she will...

Autumn Term 2014 dates published

August 28, 2014
Please see our Events & Dates page for details of our Autumn Term dates.

Country dancing for our summer leavers – 11.30am, 17th July 2014

July 6, 2014
Please note that the morning session on Thursday 17th July will end at 11.15am for the non leavers, to enable a special goodbye time to be given to our Summer Leavers. We would like to invite parents/carers/family members of our leaving...

Gullivers Land Outing 25th June – Nursery Closed

June 23, 2014
Our nursery summer outing to Gullivers Land is taking place this Wednesday (25th June). Those going should arrive at Gullivers Land car park by 10.15am to enter as a party at 10.30am. Please ensure nursery uniform is worn. Nursery will be closed all day...

Get your school labels ordered early

April 15, 2014
School places for pre-schoolers starting school in September 2014 will be announced online on Wednesday 16th April. Little Oaks has fundraising accounts with easy2name and Name It Labels  who provide name labels for school clothing. If you want to order from either...