Snack and Lunch Times

Healthy Tooth-Friendly Snack Time

Please provide a small morning and afternoon snack of fresh vegetables or fresh fruit.  No dried fruit please, as it is not tooth-friendly when eaten between meals as a snack.

Please do not include any other foods in your child’s snack box.  Thank you.

Please read our ‘Healthy Tooth-Friendly Snack Policy Explained’ letter for additional information.

Lunch Time

The government requests that early years settings promote healthy, balanced and nutritious meals.  Please help by following the traffic light advice when choosing what to put in your child’s packed lunch.  We can heat up food, so please feel free to include hot food options if your child would prefer this, with a note to say you would like it heated.  We provide plates, bowls and cutlery as needed and a choice of milk or water to drink.

Please ensure your child’s lunch box is clearly labelled and perishable food is protected by an ice pack.  If staying all day, please provide another drawstring bag for your child’s lunch box and two separate snack boxes.

REMINDER: We have a nut/peanut free food policy.

Children need a balanced diet with a good variety of foods to ensure that all their requirements for growth and development are met.
