Mon - FriOur Annual General Meeting (A.G.M.) will be held in the Nursery Small Room at 7.30pm on 12th November 2014.
Please join us to enjoy…
– A Friendly Welcome and Refreshments
– Chairpersons Annual Report
– Treasurers Annual Report and Audited Accounts
– Approval of the minutes for last years A.G.M
– Voting to re-adopt the Nursery Constitution
– Resignation of our current Committee
– Election of the nominees to be our new Committee
– Discussion of any Proposals (previously arranged)
– Any other business
If you would like to be nominated for election as a charity trustee (Committee Member) please complete the Declaration and Nomination Form found in nursery on the Parents/Carers table.
Thank you for your support as we cannot run our A.G.M. and achieve the above tasks without you.